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Application form for the premise where the one-day function will be held. |
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Name & Address Proof of the Applicant |
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Photograph |
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Signature |
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Proof of the Applicant’s type – Whether Individual or Company or Partnership Firm or Trust
- If Partnership/LLP Firm:
- Registered partnership deed or L.L.P Documents is required
- If Company Limited or Public:
- Certificate of Registration of Company from Company Registrar
- Form 32 of all Directors
- Resolution of Board of Directors
- Memorandum of Associatio
- Articles of Association
- If Cooperative or Public Company:
- Certificate of Registration of Company from Co-operative Department/Company Registra
- Resolution of Board of Directors about the appointment of Executive Directors and for the permission of this trade
- In case of Cooperative society – Copy of Bye Laws/Certificate of Registration and Resolution
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Premises Details
- Document related to the place or property
- Documents of Ownership:
- 7/12 of the property
- Property card from local self-government bodies wherever relevant
- On Lease Agreement
- 7/12 of the property
- Property card from local self-government bodies wherever relevant
- NOC of the owner for serving liquor in his/her property
- Registered copy of lease agreement/rent agreement
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Plan of the proposed premises showing following details
- Detailed plan of proposed license premises
- Location/Site plan
- Boundaries (North, South, East, West) of proposed premises
- Schedule of the area
- License type and trade name under which the applicant wishes to operate his busines
- Detailed address of propose license premise
- North Direction