संपर्क महाराष्ट्र राज्य उत्पादन शुल्क
महाराष्ट्र शासन
भारत सरकार

Transport Pass

1. Checklist

There are no documents to be submitted while applying for Transport Pass.

2. Process Description

  1. Licensee shall login into the Liquor Production & Dispatch Management in Supply Chain Management system (URL : https://scmexcise.mahaonline.gov.in/)
  2. Navigate to 'Transaction Entry' tab
  3. Navigate to 'Dispatch Entry Daily' tab
  4. Click on 'Add New' button in case the licensee wishes to apply for a new transport pass.
  5. Licensee would fill detail in the Dispatch Entry
  6. Just in case, the manufacturer wishes to dispatch more than one type of pack size, he/she shall select 'All Sizes'. The licensee can select from the stock available with that particular licensee
  7. Post filling appropriate information, the licensee shall fill in the Transporter Details
  8. Post filling appropriate information, the licensee shall fill in the Challan Details and Challan Details (2) (in case Challan (2) is available)
  9. Click on 'Save' once all the details are keyed in respective tabs
  10. Licensee can Click on Search in 'Dispatch Entry' in case he/she wishes to search for details regarding the previous transport pass applied
  11. Once the officer approves/verifies the transport pass, the licensee would be able to see the Status as 'Verified'
  12. Licensee can download the Transport Pass remotely